Viewing page 54 of 65

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[[four columned table]]
| Mizue | No. 559 | March 1952 | 1 copy |
| Mizue | 560 | April 1952 | 2  copy |
| Bijutsu-techo | 54 | March 1952 | 2  copy |
| Bijutsu-techo | 55 | April 1952 | 2  copy |
| Museum | 11 | Feb. 1952 | 1  copy |
| Museum | 12 | March 1952 | 2  copy |
|   |   |_________|___________|
|   |   | TOTAL : | 14 copies |

Thanking you for your kind co-operation, and hoping this finds you in the best health, I remain, 

Your most sincerely
U. Ihara
Usaburo Ihara
Japanese Artists Association