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Usaburo Ihara
Japanese Artists Association
Makicho Bldg., 5 Gofukubashi
3-chome, Nihonbashi,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo

April 15, 1952

Mr. John O'Connor, Jr.
Associate Director
Department of Fine Arts
Carnegie Institute
Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvania

Dear Mr. O'Connor:

We are in receipt of your letter of April 2 in which was enclosed entry forms and labels.

I wish to take this opportunity again to express, in behalf of the members of this Association, my profound gratitude for the opportunity granted 16 Japanese artists to have their paintings included in the 1952 Pittsburgh International.

Through your letter and the enclosed entry forms, we are now fully aware of all the necessary procedures which I am forwarding to the invited artists. Also I am in close contact with the Mainichi Press. There are, however, a few questions which I would like to ask your clarification and advice.

In the letter to SCAP from Mr. Washburn 17 artists were invited, whereas in your letter I notice there are only 16. Mr. Kaoru Yamaguchi has been left out. Perhaps for some specific reason he was eliminated from the preliminary selections, but on the other hand, I thought it may be some mistake whereby the name was unknowingly dropped out of the list. Please enlighten me in regard to this matter. If you will permit me to be a little presumptuous, the truth is that when the preliminary selections were made and when we received a copy of the official letter by Mr. Washburn to SCAP, we announced the names of the artists listed in that letter.  Mr. Yamaguchi was included, and if it is possible, we would greatly appreciate it if he could be among the final selections.

We have discovered that we cannot locate the purchaser of Mr. Gen-ichiro Inokuma's "Cat and Flowers" which means it cannot be included among the exhibits from Japan. He says, however, that he can send another painting equally good, and requests that he be granted the opportunity. [[strikethrough]] I am sending [[/strikethrough]] May I send a photograph of the painting in question, and [[strikethrough]] I hope it [[/strikethrough]] ask you if it will meet with your approval?