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July 21, 1942
Mr. Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Box 148
Woodstock, New York
Dear Mr. Kuniyoshi:
Thank you for your letter of July 9th. I have been away on a brief holiday, and therefore my delay in replying.
In answer to your inquiries, there is not too much that I can add to the thoughts outlined in my letter to Miss Connor, a copy of which you have.
We had not intended to include more than one artist. It is our intention to have three sketches done based on the three books previously mentioned. The original sketches will be auctioned off to the public, the proceeds going to the United China Relief. Reproductions will be made of the original sketches for sale in department stores and other outlets throughout the country in connection with this promotion,- proceeds similarly to United China Relief. The three sketches would serve as the basis for the design of the fabrics upon which the fashion angle of this promotion would revolve. The fabrics are going to be done by one of the great fabric companies of the country. I have informed them that we are in the process of securing the original art work, and they are awaiting its completion.
Unfortunately, not being an artist myself, it is a little difficult for me to make clear just what we want. I think the sketches should be relatively simple, but dramatic. Whether done in oil or watercolor, the colors should be striking. If you keep in mind the fact that fabric prints are going to be based on the sketches, it may guide you in creating sketches which would be most readily adapted for fabric use. You well realize, I am sure, that fabric designs must of necessity be rather simple and uncomplicated. This does not mean, however, that the fabric design will be precisely the same as the original sketches. I imagine that the fabric design will be a simplified adaptation of the original sketches.
To an artist like yourself, the following suggestions will, no doubt, seem decidedly amateurish, but they may give you an indication of what I have in mind.
For the design based on "China Shall Rise Again" we might have something showing the Great Wall of China possibly from such an angle