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[[left margin]] Thomasson Wm. P.
Col and Supt. &c.
Jefferson Co. Ky. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on S # 17.

I. Bureau R.F. and A.L., Office Asst. Commissioner, Nashville, January 23rd, 1866.  

Respectfully referred to Col. W.P. Thomasson, Supt. R.F. & A.L. Jefferson Co., Ky., with recommendation that he encourage the establishment of intelligence office Jefferson Co. both white and black where employers and employees can be brought face to face.

By the order of  Bvt. Maj. Gen. C.B. Fisk 
Asst. Com'r KY and Tennessee
J.E. Jacobs.
Bvt. Lieut. Col. and A.A.G.

[[left margin]] Howard O. O.
Maj. Gen. and Comr.
the Bureau R.F. &c.
Washington D.C. [[/left margin]]

Endorsements on F # 5

I. Bureau R.F. & A. L., Washington D. C.
December 30th. 1866.

Respectfully referred to Gen. O. O. Howard, with the expression of the hope that he will correspond with Dr. E. D. [[Forie?]] and do what he can for the poor freedmen at Louisville.
(signed) James Speed
Attorney General.

[[left margin]] Fisk C. B.
Bvt Maj. Genl.
Asst. Comr,
Tenn. [[/left margin]]


War Department. Bureau R.F. & A.L., Washington, Dec. 30th 1866
Respectfully referred to Brt. Maj. Gen. C.B. Fisk Asst. Com'r for personal attention. He will please give this gentleman such aid as he can.  not inconsistent with the interests of the Bureau.

By order of Maj Gen. Howard. Com'r.
sd, Max Woodhull.
Asst. Adjt. Gen'l.


[[left margin]] Fisk C. B.
Maj. Gen., &c.
Tenn. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on S # 18.
I. Hd.Qurs. Mil. Dis. of Tenn. Q.M.O. January 23d, 1866.

Respectfully submitted to Bvt. Maj. Gen. C.B. Fisk, Asst. Com'r Bureau R.F. and A.L.  I am not aware of any orders allowing quarters to teachers of freedmen.  If any orders exist, I will thank General Fisk for the information.
Please return this paper.

sd. J.L. Donaldson  Bvt. Maj. Gen.
O.Q.M. M.D.T.

[[left margin]] Donaldson A. L.
Bvt Maj. Genl.
Tenn. [[/left margin]]

Office Asst. Comr. Bureau R.F. and A.L. Nashville Tenn., January 25th 1866.

Respectfully returned with the information that Circular No. 7 part Bureau R.F. and A. Lands War Department, Washington D. C. dated Jan. 13th 1866 and approved by E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War provides that "Public buildings or buildings that may have been seized from disloyal owners, not required for military purposes, may be used for occupation for schools, teachers, soldiers, wives and refugees."
No other others upon the subject exist.
(Sd.) Clinton B. Fisk,
Bvt Major General,
Asst. Commissioner.

J. E. Jacobs
Bvt. Lieut Col., and A.A.G.

[[left margin]] Thomasson, Wm. P.
Supt. [[Sc?]]
Ky. [[/left margin]]

Endorsement on R #2. 

I. Bureau R.F. and A.L. Nashville, Tennessee. January 24th, 1866.

Respectfully returned to Col. Thomasson with approval of his judgment in the case of Lucy Fox vs. Dr. L. Rodgers. The contract is a probable one. Lucy's veracity is unquestioned, her recollection of the terms of the agreement distinct, and there is no refuting testimony.

(Sd.) Clinton B. Fisk, Bvt. Maj. Gen. and Asst. Com'r.
J. E. Jacobs, Bvt Lieut. Col. and A.A.G.          

Transcription Notes:
changed from table formatting to margin