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[[3 columned table]]
|   |   |   |
| --- | --- | --- |

| 108 | 109 175. [[strikethrough]] 6. 8 [[/strikethrough]] 176 178 180. 181 [[strikethrough]] 1.4 [[/strikethrough]] 184 188. [[strikethrough]] 9. [[/strikethrough]] 189 191. [[strikethrough]] 2. [[/strikethrough]] 192 194. 195. 197. C. 41 | F 1205 F29. 204 138 |

| 1. | Howard O.O. 1 2 3 330 6 13 237. 14 1.9 108. 109. 26.27. 29. 124 | 114. 31. 36. 126. 37. 127. 47 128. 54. 135. 55. 136. 56. 137. 57. E. 76. 143 89. 149. 96. 149. 150. 97. 153 101. 103. 158 [[strikethrough]] 158. [[/strikethrough]] 104. 2165. 173 174 [[strikethrough]] 4. 106. [[/strikethrough]] 107. | 

| 1. | Holman D.D. 47 55. 12 98. 22 68 . 353 61. 62. 68. 171. | K 21 210 228. |

| 1. | Holloway J.J. 58 241 . 28. m.20. 94. 112 193. | Hester, Caroline H.67. Harkins D C H 67 |

| 1. Henry John R. 129. 130 152. 168 179 186. m 12 75. 78. 82. 86. 87. 91. 99. 102. C 94 9 18 P83 25. 58. 66. R. 24 | 14 Coward, Samuel, 69. 115. 163. 265. |

| 1. | Henry Ellen 10. G.A. 100. | Hasbrouck, Wm. L. 70. |

| 1. | Hagar Annie 11 .40. 44. 80. 106. Harmon, "Crockett" Elizabeth E. 107 E 33. 66. H. 163. A W E 10 H 115 |

| 1. | Howard H. C. 16 R 103 33. 24. H.49. 65. 183. | Harrison, H. H. 72. 185. Henry, S.47. |

| 1. | Hunt Wm Richardson 17 141 C.96 166. | Humphrey's A.P. & J.P. H.72. |

| 1. | Hobson A.G. 20 | Hole, E. F.13 |

| 1. | Hunt Mrs. H 17 H.141 W.R. 156. 141 | Horton, George 73. | 

| 1. | Houston Russell N1 | Holman, J.H. 77. |

| 1. | Horn Mrs. S. 7. | Howard. & Nelson, 79. J.B. 125. |

| 1. | Hays S.8. 110. 9. 32. J.E. 117. D.S. 6 | Harvey. Hughes & Co. 7: 41. |

| 1. | Heron, Prince & Jno. S20 S.24. 71. M52. R.99. S.235. R.79. S.186. | Haviland, Mw. K. Capt. 90. |

| 1. | Hughs, J.K. 21 W.W. 147. | Hepburn Col. E.19. 123. |

| 1. | Hudgeon Stephen C8 | Hynes, DJ. 92. |

| 1. | Hardwick C.L. 23 | Henderson, Geo. M. T.52. Mr. D.24. |

| 1. | Homer Mr. John T. H.23 151 53. H.35. 74. 85. 116. | Haggard, Jas. 105. 119. |

| 1. | Hawkins Thos K 13 | Helen, Geo. M. R.40. |

|   | [[strikethrough]] Howard, H.C. 24 [[/strikethrough]] | Hollingsworth, J.G. 118. 122. 133. |

|   | Hall, Mr. H.24. James H.78. | Horn, T.M. 121. |

|   | Hotchkiss, T.P. 30. | Hodges, Stephen. K.21. Col D16. |

|   | Harper, David 32. 49 C,29 E16. | Haddox. Phil 57.  Agnes H37 |

|   | Henderson, W.J. 34. 63. 64. 88. 84. CIR 146. | Hart, Ellen R.13.  Joseph S.269. |

|   | Hamilton, O.M. 38. H.39. Eliza S.264. | Hatcher, Alfred. T.62. |

|   | Hamill, S.R. 39. 83. 120. B 33 | Hicks, Isaac N. 131. H 14 Jon 5 32 |

|   | Hassenflug, Chas. A. 41 | Holdemon W.N. 134. |

|   | Holland vs. H.35 | Hale E. 139. |

|   | Harney, W.W. 42. | Henderson G.T. 140. Mrs. 162. |

|   | Holbson, E. H. 43. | Haylewood John M. 142. |

|   | Heady, M.P. 45. 208. | " Harrill, P.57. |

|   | Howard, D.H. 46. | Hartley, Jos. B. 145. R 105 Jos S.274. |

|   | Haylett & Speedy R.6. | House vs. Newton, W. 107. H.161.  Geo. 161. |

|   | Hunter, B.D. M 27. 95. | Hill, W.J. 148. 169 182. |

|   | Harston, D.B. 48. vs Donaway. s 90 | Hillyer, P.H. 157 |

|   | Harris, Richard. 50. Jane C.79. | Hall, W.K. 155 T.72. U.S. Atty. M 42 |

|   | Hughes, Chas. H. 52. | Hill, W.E. 154. |

|   | Huggins, Yion R. R.9. W.S. 93' 32. | Hemsheet, Wm. 157. |

|   | Hill, Mrs. R. 59. James. G.48. | Harlan, E.B. 139. |

|   | Horn, Nancy 60. | Hamlin, Leah Ann B.144. Daunt S.274. |

|   | Hilley, Kee, &c. T.31. | Hadley, David 160. |

|   | Hall, John P. G.2, 81. A.J. 111. J.W. B. 89. | Herrin, Alex C106. |

|   | Haley, R.P. 67. | Hewitt, C.B. 164 177. Hewitt vs Heals H164 |

[[end table]]

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