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[[4 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | No. Page Endorsm't Book. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Oct. 21. 128. | Crosby, Chas. Local Agent. Fisk University Filed. The request granted see Letters Sent of the date. |   | Nashville, Oct. 21. 1867. Requests certain repairs at the Fisk university at an estimated cost of $403.00. |

| Oct. 25, 129. * | Carlin W.P. Bvt. Maj. Genl and Asst. Coms. Filed |   | Nashville, Octr. 17th 1867. Report that Lt. Col. E. C. Beaman CS. has reported for duty & has relived Mr. G. W. Marshall in the duties of Disbursing Offices and recommends that Mr. G. W. Marshall be discharged on the 31st
inst. |

| Octr. 29, 130. * | Cary, John J. Filed. Cashier, &c. |   | Branch of Freedmens Savings & Trans &C. Nashville Oct. 26, 1867. States that the Amt. deposited during the month ending 26th inst. is $11,360.40 |

| Nov. 1. 131.** | Coons, J.B. Genl Claims Agent. Filed with Octr. Reports |   | Nashville. Oct. 31. 1867. Claims Report for October - 1867. | 

| Nov. 4, 132. * | College, E. T. Wes. pr. Rev. N. E. Cobleigh. Copy Filed. | 451. | Athens Tenn. Nov. 2nd, 1867. States that the Normal Dept is open to all on the same land without distinction of colors. No applications yer for admission. Feeling intense against educating the races together. Doubts whether the plan will succeed. |

| Nov. 1 . 133. | Carlin, W.P. Bvt. Maj. Genl. Asst. Comr. pr. Lt. S.W. Groesbeck A.A.A.G. | 454 | Nashville, Tenn. Oct. 3rd '67 Receipts for 2nd Auditors certificate sent with letters of transmittal dated July 22, 1867. have been received except in the case of [[James?]] Armstrong Cert. No 294.757. |

| Nov. 6. 134 * | Carlin, Geo. W. Clerk &c. Filed. |   | 
Johnsonville Nov. 1st 1867. Reports regarding the erection of School House at Johnsonville. Work progressing favorably. |


[[4 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | No. Page Endorsm't Book. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Nov. 11. 135 * | Cumberland, Dept of for. Wm. D. Whipple. Filed Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A. |   | Louisville Ky, Nov. 6th 1867. Acknowledges receipt of Report of changes for the month of Oct. 1867. |

| Nov. 11. 136 * | Carlin, W. P. Bvt. Maj. Genl Filed Asst Comms for S.W. Groesbeck. Lt & A.A.A.G. |   | Nashville, Tenn. Nov. 3rd 1867 Forwards 8 copies of Cir. #28. War Dept. Bu &c. Returned with receipt enclosed. |

| Nov. 19. 137 * | Carlin W. P. Filed Bvt. Maj. Genl. Asst. Comms. |   | Nashville. Tenn. Oct. 31st 1867. Regarding the Abandoned Powder Magazine at Memphis. | 

| Nov. 20. 1383. * | Carpenter. C.C. Supt. Lookout Mt. Filed Educational Institution |   | Lookout Mt. Tenn. Nov. 18, 1867 Desires to be furnished with a list of the Agents of the Bu in the State. Encloses Circulars for distribution, also calls attention to inclosed Cir. Letter of Genl. Howard. regarding the admission of the children of "Loyal Refugees" at the expense of the Bureau. |

| Nov 23. 139. | Carlin W.P. Bvt. Maj. Genl. Asst. Comr. To Maj. Voorman Ad. P.M. USA at Louisville for date Amt of this check Nov 23d 1867. | 486. | Nashville, Nov. 2d 1867 Gives information relative to the fraudulent collection by some unknown person of a check amtg to $252. issued by the Govt. in settlement of the claim of one Wesley Borders, late Corp. Co. B. 40 USA. at the People's Bank of Nashville, Tenn. on the 8th day of Aug. 1867. Requests to be furnished with the original check on a certified copy of the same to enable him to trace out the criminal. |

| Nov. 29 140 | Coons, J.B. Genl Claim Agent. Returned to Mr. Conns same date with the information that the wages of Mr Lytton will be increased to $30. per month. |   | Nashville, Nov 29, 1867 Forwards communication of Mr Lytton colored orderly requesting an increase of salary. and recommends such increase as the Asst. Commr. may think for the interest of the Bureau to grant. |