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Clarksville Tennessee May 9th 1863
Jas Harlan Secty. Intr.
Washington D.C. 

Sir:- There are many unfortunate colored people at this place, who cannot get employment, and if they could, are not able to work enough to sustain themselves, from the fact that some are too young, while others, are too old, & infirm, and others have Husbands in the Federal Army and so many children to take care of and cook for, that they can do no more, while others are orphans. Young, and cannot help themselves . I have assisted in Recruiting more than two thousand Colored Soldiers. Many of them have fallen in Battle while I have been spared, and twice they have acted so nobly, we should certainly assist their families, and them if necessary. Well what will be done while they are in a State of partial helplessness, and men daily seeking to oppress & enslave them again. They will no doubt be taken care of, but I fear they may many of them suffer by too sudden a change. Therefore I will make a statement of facts.