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1. Any future women pilot program should be militarized from the beginning.

2. For general economy and efficiency of the upper age limit should be 27 or 28 years for women to be trained as pilots for subsequent operational flying duties.

3. All pilots in any future program should pass through a standard training course before being assigned to operational flying duty.

4. The minimum height for women accepted for service as pilots with the Army Air Forces, with the present types of planes in use, should be 64 inches, with a minimum weight of 110 pounds. Above these limits the weight allowance in relationship to the height should be the same as for men, less about 7 pounds.

5. If at any time in the future, the War Department takes a favorable position with respect to legislation to grant veterans' rights to various civilian organizations which have served with the armed forces, all WASP who completed the program in good standing should be included, and the next of kin of WASP who died in line of duty should receive compensation comparable to that which would have been received if the WASP had been on military status with insurance privileges and benefits.

Jacqueline Cochran
Director of Women Pilots

