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June 14th

Major Genl O. O. Howard
Commissioner Bu RF and A.L
Washington D.C

I have the honor to request that Transportation be provided [[Chinesa?]] [[Gatharte?]] (Freedwoman) and three Children, aged 4. 6. and 8 years, from this place to Richmond Va. She is not an able Colored woman, and is a Refugee from Richmond, her husband is living there and I believe she would not be [[?]]  the Government is she could reach her home. She dependent on this Bureau for approval

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Most Obdt. Servant

Allan Rutherford 
Brt Col U.S.V
Supt So-Dist NC

[[left margin]] forwarded this Hd. Qrs Asst Commr. State of N.C. [[/left margin]]