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June 30th

A. H. Van Bokellen Esq'r.
Mayor City of Wilmington N.C.

I have the honor to call your attention to the fact that on the afternoon of Sunday the 25th Inst. a party of men, supposed to belong to the Police force of this City, entered the dwelling house of a colored man named George Moore, (aged 85 years) and without any provocation or exhibiting any warrant or authority hit and otherwise maltreated the said George Moore, and finally carried him to the City Guard House, and fired their Pistols into and at his house, destroying part of the fence, and stealing sacred articles of personal property.  The Police - supposed to be acting under your orders - proceeded to Moore's house again the next day, and arrested Mr. H. Jones, a grandson of said Moore, and placed him in the City Guard House, where he was detained until the afternoon and was then released on giving Bail in One Thousand Dollars for his appearance the next day and on his appearing as ordered he