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July 3rd

Colonel C.A. Cilley
A.A.G. Bu R F and A.L

In reply to your communication of the 27th directing me to ascertain and report "whether The Civil Authorities will or will not do anything in the case of Geo Morse (Cold)". I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of my letters to the Mayor of this City, to which no attention had been paid, and to state that I called on Justice Connally, one of the Justices of the Peace for this County, and stated the case to him: he informed me that he would issue a warrant against the policemen who had committed the outrage, but that unless there were some white witnesses they could not be arrested, as the law did not allow the testimony of Colored Witnesses to arrest a white man, and the only way in which the testimony of Colored Witnesses could be admitted was to corobborate the testimony of White Witnesses. There are some witnesses in this case all colored. Justice Connally