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informed me that he knew the Freedman Geo Morse, and that he was "a very quiet, nice old man". Under these circumstances - It appearing from the course pursued by the Mayor, that he will do nothing - and from the fact that all the witnesses are Colored and their testimony therefore of no valued to convict a white man, unless corroborated by white witnesses, I would respectfully submit that it is a proper case for trial before a Freedman's Bureau court, there being no other way in which justice can be done. 

The following are the names of the men who have been identified as engaged in the outrage - - Smith - McPherson. A McClanning and Jim Sullivan

It appears that in addition to beating the old man Moore, they also destroyed a part of his fence and stole several articles of personal property.

Awaiting further instructions

I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Allan Rutherford
Lieut Col VRC
(Bvt Brig Genl USV)
Sub S. Dist NC