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July 5th

Col Clinton A Cilley

I have the honor to endorse herein a letter this day received from Mr. A. H. Van Bokellen Mayor of Wilmington, in reply to my letters his regard to the case of George Moore.  By the terms of this communication it is quite evident that the Mayor does not propose to punish the Policemen who made the assault: and Wm Holmes, (Colored) the Grandson of Geo Moore. complained to me this morning that Mr Van Bokellen had met him, and endeavored to intimidate him from seeking justice. As Mr Van Bokellen knows that all the witnesses are Colored, his recommendation to say the same before the State Courts - after himself expressing to see justice done - is not worthy of consideration: the testimony of Colored witnesses being by law insufficient to punish a white man unless corroborated by white witnesses

Rec'd Back 8th July and Filed