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August 22nd
Colonel J. D. Stubbs
Chief Qr. Master

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th and in reply 
would say that I forwarded to you on the 20th Form No 2 "Report of Persons & Articles 
Hired" for the Months of March, April May June and July. There are a number of men who were employed by Major J.C. Mann AQM, as Teamsters &c during the time he was acting as Bureau Quartermaster and Financial Agent in this Dist who have rec'd no pay. in some cases for and six months pay is due. Major Mann informed me that the proper Voucher and reports of the employees of his Department had been made out and forwarded by him to Col Garber 
Will you please pay these accounts great suffering exists among these people on account of the long time they have been kept out of the said money, and they are continually falling in [[illegible]]

Transcription Notes:
I have modified the position of the texts to be the same as the letter where the line starts and where the line ends. Kindly pay attention to this as it reflects it better thanks . Per SI instructions this is exactly what not to do - you should not copy the look of the original document. To be fair, if a text is difficult to decipher, it helps to know what has already been transcribed and locate the [[?]] within the text if the line breaks are included. They can be removed once the transcription is ready to be marked complete.