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August 23rd

Col C. A. Cilley

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st [[illegible]] and in reply would say that copies of Circular No. 8 here of [[illegible]] July forwarded to the Asst Supt this District and a Circular was [[illegible]] from this Office calling the attention of Ass't Superintendents to said circular and directing immediate compliance therewith. I would also state that there are no Camps of Freedmen in this District, that the Freedmen are working well, and at good wages, and that no rations are issued to able bodied people. Rations are issued only to very aged people, young children - orphans - and cripples, to those only, who if they did not receive aid from this Bureau would starve. I have had several interviews with Mr John A Taylor, the Chairman of the County Commissioners of the Poor and he stated to me, positively, that they would do