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Sept 8th

General M C Meigs
Quartermaster General U.S.A


Believing that you are the proper person to write to, I have the honor to state that there are in this city and vicinity the Graves of a large number of Union Soldiers who died here while prisoners of war, as I am informed. The Graves are in shocking condition, in many cases undistinguishable and in few cases so marked as to identify the person. Lieut E H McQuigg, who is acting as Bureau Quartermaster and Asst Superintendent of this Sub-District, will if properly authorized, take charge of this matter, and see that the Graves are properly attended to, under such regulation as the Quartermasters Department have established.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servant
Allan Rutherford
Bvt Col USV Supt So. Dis't NC