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Sep't 10th

Mr E. D Walker


Complaint has been made to me by a Freedwoman named "Hager Walker" that in March last a certain child of hers named "Sam," was bound to you by an officer of this Bureau under a miscommunication of facts, and also that you propose removing from this State taking said child with you. As the State law does not allow apprentices to be removed from the State, you would under no circumstances be allowed to take the child with you. And if it appears on investigation that the child was bound to you by means of false representations made by you, the Indentures will be cancelled. You are therefore directed to appear at this office on Monday Sp't 17th at 10 o'ck AM in order that the case may be investigated, if you do not appear at that time the investigation will proceed without you and on these facts being sworn to I shall cancell the Indentures