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Sept 13th
Lieu't A Coats

I have the honor to call attention to the following case. Hester Drew (Colored) complains, that a party of white men came to her house at Lockett's Folley in Brunswick County, and removed by force all her children stating that they had been bound by the County Court of said County and to Mr Thomas G Drew, their former master. The names of the children are as follows,
Penny (girl) aged 18 years, David aged 16 years, Riley aged 15 years, Robin aged 14 years, Lot aged 10 years, and Sam aged 8 years. These children were all at work earning good wages and supporting their mother, and she is now left entirely alone and dependent. I would respectfully recommend that these indentures be annuled, the object of the Court being evidently to return a state of slavery