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September 1865

[[two columned table]]
| --- | --- |

| 1st | Mary Ann McCullough "Freedwoman" 
States that on the 18th of Mch 1851 she purchased a piece of ground of Charity Houston, in the Co of Duplin situated near or on Green Meadow for which she has a deed executed by the said Charity Houston and witnessed by A. Maxwell & E.W. Houston, said Deed was recorded in the Registers Office of Duplin Co in Book No 2, Page 59, July 31st 1852 by A.F. Shanford "register", that the land was taken possession of by  in the fall of 1858 and that he has since that time rented the said property together with a house, erected by the said Mary Ann McCullough, and retained the money so rec'd for his own use and benefit.
[[overwritten]] Transferred [[/overwritten]]
Action deferred |

| 1st | Capt. Edwin C. Saltimens A.A.A.G. Hd. Qrs. Dist of Wil
Refers communication of RC Holmes Capt of Police in Sampson County asking that certain orphans "Freedman refugees" be returned to their former homes. States that the parents of these children requested on their death beds that they be cared for by their former masters -
[[overwritten]] Transferred [[/overwritten]]
Referred to Capt RB Beath Asst Supt Sub District Wilmington, to know whether these children are still at Fort Anderson Names of Children Joe Holmes & two formerly owned by Mr. Pitman - |

| 1st | Marten Ben S. Duplin Ben S. Plantation
Rations for 6 persons 7 days |

[[second page]]


| 1st | Capt. Beath, Asst Supt, Dist of Wilmington N.C.
Refers statement of Judy Snow, that James Snow of Robeson Co. refuses to allow her son Alexander to come with her, that she is able to take care of him, and wishes to send & get him.
[[overwritten]] Transferred [[/overwritten]]
Wrote Mr. Snow, directing him to allow Judy to have her son. |

| 1st | Mr. R.P. Alkinson Superintendent Wil. C&R. RR
Wants 6 hands, will engage for six months with quarters rations & 10 Dolls. per month. (Address Lansingburg [[Lansingburgh]] Richmond Co)
[[overwritten]] Transferred [[/overwritten]] |

| 1st | Henry M. Jones "Freedman"
States that since the US Colored Troops have occupied Wil that certain Boards and other lumber which he has purchased for the purpose of erecting a place of worship & dwelling Estimated at 2200 ft of weather boards & 1000 ft 3/4 scathing was taken by the US troops and used in building quarters &c.
[[overwritten]] Transferred [[/overwritten]]
Action |