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Elizabethtown NC Apl 16/66
Hd Qrs Sub. Dist Bladen Co.
Bureau RF & AL.

Edwd B Northrup
1st Lieut 14 VRC Asst Supt

Statement relative to McGill having in his possession a mule claimed by Tom (freedman) as his property

Bureau RF & AL
Hd Qrs So Dist of N.C.
Wilmington NC Apl 18th 1866

Respectfully returned to Lieut EB Northrup Asst Supt.

From these papers I cannot see that either Col McGill or the Freedman Tom have any right to the mule and if the mule has no US Brand you will allow Tom to retain it These papers to be returned with report of your action endorsed

Allan Rutherford
Lieut Col VRC.
And Supt So Dist

Wilmington. N.C.
April 12. 1866

Green G. W.
Asst Surgn. Mich 9th Inf In chg Post Hospital

Encloses request from Col Rutherford for the Marine Hospital Building now used as Post Hospital

Head. Qrs. Dept. of N.C.
Medical Directors Office
Raleigh N.C. April 14 1866

Respectfully returned to Asst Adjt. Genl Dept. N.C. The Marine Hospital building at Wilmington is absolutely required for present and future necessities. It is the only proper hospital building now in the hands of the Med Dept in the South Eastern part of the State. And I would respectfully urge most strongly that it be retained.

sd. P.J. Conner
Asst. Surg & Brevt. Maj USA
Actg Med Director


Respectfully refered to Bvt. Brig Genl E Whittlesey Asst. Comr. &c who will please forward to these Hd Qrs a copy of the order of the Comdg officer Dist of Wilmn for these buildings to be turned over to the Bureau of RF & AL There is no record of the order at these Hd Qrs and to carry it out would deprive the officers at the Post of offices - the soldiers of a Hospital and the Q.M & Commissary of a store house

Please return these papers with report

By order of
Bvt Maj Genl Ruger
sd J A Campbell AAG
Hd Qrs. Dist N.C. Apl 16/66

Bureau R.F & AL.
Hd Qrs. Asst Commissioner
Raleigh. N.C. Apl 17 1866

Respectfully returned to Supt of So. Dist with reference to the endorsement of Dept Commr. These papers to be returned with a report and copy of the order refered to in endorsement of  Genl O O Howard by which it would seem that the buildgs had been turned over to the Bureau by the Dist Commr. The approval of the Sec of War seems to be upon that order, and unless such an order has been made by Dist Commr. An order of the Q.M. Genl transferring the buildings will be necessary

By order of Bvt. Brig Genl E Whittlesey
Asst Commr.
(sigd) Fred H Beecher
2nd Lt 3 Inf. & AAA Genl

see f 103