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Mayors. Office
City of Wilmington N.C.
June 6th 18gg.

Varl Bokkelin A.H.

Requests that the portion of the "city Hall" now used by the Freedman Bureau may be turned over to the authorities.

B.R F & A L. Hd Qrs Asst. Comr No Ca
Raleigh NC. June 8th 1866-

Respectfully refered to Bvt. Col Allan Rutherford Supt So Dist NC, It is desired to know if there are any abandoned buildings or facilities for storage in Wilmington so that the office & storing can be arranged for without a chance of a claim for rent being made or the Govt. This to be returned.
By Commd of Bvt. Maj. Genl Ruger
(sgd) Clinton A Cilley Bt Col. & A A G,

Bureau R F & A L. Hd. Qrs. So Dist of NC
Wilmington N.C. June 12 1866

Respectfully returned with the information that there are no abandoned buildings within the control of this Bureau that can be used as offices or store Rooms. The Rooms now used by the Bureau in the City Hall are used by authority of the Secty of War and when the City Hall & Theater building was directed to be given up to the Authorities which was done at the request of the Supt of this Dist as he did not care to carry them on his books, The Rooms used by this Bureau in the City Hall were specially excepted by said order by and even if they were not occupied by us, they could not be given up without an order of the Secty. of War. being now on the books as abandoned property. The Rooms now used by the Bureau three in number one as office of Hd Qrs. So Dist one as office for Supt Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist and Quarter Master Office and one in the basement as store Room and to [paper tear] Rations. These Rooms were used as follows, two as Library Rooms and one as an armory and were not used by the city authorities
The occupation of these Rooms by the Bureau is necessary for the transaction of business.
Allan Rutherford
Bvt. Col. U.S.V
Supt. So Dist N.C.


Wilmington. N.C June 3 1866

R T Frank. Capt. 8th US Ify Comdg Post

Requests information in relation to furnishing transportation to the officers, men & Employees of Bureau RF & AL.

Hd. Qrs. Military Comdr. of North Carolina
Raleigh N.C. June 9th 1866

Respectfully returned to Capt. R T Frank 8th U.S. Infty Comdg. post of Wilmington N.C. with reference to Genl ors. No 12. Series of 1864. War Dept. A.G. 11. The Comdg. Genl as Asst Commr. for the Bureau RF & AL is the only officer authorized to give orders for the transportation of Refugees or Freedmen
By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Ruger
(sgd) J.A Campbell A.A.G.

Hd Qrs. Post of Wilmington
Wilmington. N.C. June 11 1866

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt. Col. Allan Rutherford U.S.V. Supt. B RF & AL. So Dist N.C. for his information Hereafter requisitions for transportation must be accompanied by the order directing the journey to be made as indicated in the foregoing endorsement
(sgd) RT Frank. Capt. 8th Infy Comdg. Post

Bureau R F & A L. Hd Qrs. So Dist N.C.
Wilmington NC. June 12 1866

Respectfully refered to the Asst Commr. for information. I am aware that the Asst. Commr. is the only [[strikethrough]] [illegible] [[/strikethrough]] officer authorized to give orders for transportation of Refugees or Freedmen, but Capt Frank interprets the within endorsement to mean that transportation cannot be furnished by him to Sub. Dist officers under my command to and from this city to their Sub. Districts or on being assigned to Sub. Districts by my order unless such order for transportation is issued by the Post Commr.

Am I to understand that when I require an officer in charge of a Sub Dist to come to these Hd Qrs on public business or when I assign an officer to a Sub. Dist who is directed to report to me for duty that transportation cannot be furnished him on my order, but that the order to Capt. Frank to furnish such transportation must come from the Asst Commr. of the State

Allan Rutherford
Bvt. Col. USV
and Supt So Dist NC

SEE f 160.