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ff 154
Bureau RF & AL Hd Qrs Asst. Comr.
State N.C. Raleigh N.C. June 27th 1866.

Respectfully returned Col Rutherford to make or cause to be made a formal complaint to the civil authorities in order that it may be seen whether they will take in the case.

By Comd of. Bvt Maj Genl Robinson 
(sgd) Clinton A Cilley. A.A.G.

Bureau RF & AL Hd Qrs So Dist NC
Wilmington June 29 1866

Respectfully returned to Capt Justin Hodge Asst Supt Sub Dist of Fayetteville N.C. where attention is called to Endorsement of the Asst Comr. Capt Hodge will make a [[strikethrough]] cause [[/strikethrough]] formal complaint to the civil authorities in this case and if they refuse to act or do not do justice to the Freedmen he will return these papers to this office with a full endorsement of action therein

Allan Rutherford 
(Lt. Col VRC)
(Bvt. Brig Genl USV)
Supt. So Dist NC


ff 153.
Bureau R.F & A.L. State of. N.C.
Raleigh N.C. June 25th 1866.

Respectfully returned to know if the applicant has ever lived in N.Y. & what reason there is for believing that she can be supported there

By command of Bvt Maj. Genl Robinson
(sgd) Clinton A Cilley A.A.G.

Bureau Rf & AL. Hd. Qrs. So Dist NC.
Wilmington, N.C. June 30th 1866.

Respectfully returned with the information that I find on enquiry of Mrs Casey that N.Y. is not her home but that she has friends there who can and will aid her by their influence provided she can reach them.

SEE f. 164
Bvt. Col U.S.V. Supt So Dist. N.C.

from f 126.
Bureau RF & AL Office Asst Supt
Lumberton NC. June 27 1866

Respectfully returned to Col Rutherford with the information that I have not been able to get any further evidence in case of Edie except the affidavit of an Alfred McKeithan (freedman) this affidavit is not full enough to be of any service in the case it is my opinion that the Indenture should be annuled in this case as Dick has the reputation of being cruel to his slaves.
(sgd) Geo W Tipton
Lieut & Asst Supt

See f. 158.