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Southern Express Company.
Aug 10th 1867
Genl. Rutherford 
Supt. R.F. and A. Lands


There is in one of my small Houses a family of miserable drunken low filthy negroes who are always drunk fighting swearing &c and are perfect nuisances. & so classed by all that speak of them, they have a garden or an attempt of making one of about 1/4 acre, enclosed by a fence made!! One board high in some places & in some no board at all!! & the place over run with grass & weeds & by their being there I am prevented renting a House near it. & I get nothing for the one they are in, besides they are burning my fences that were in good order &c. What I want is to get them out of my House & I respectfully ask how shall I proceed to do so without conflicting with military or civil law. a reply will greatly oblige. 
Yrs Very Respcy
Jas.O Macomber