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R. 16. L.M.D. 1867
R. 103 Cy

Wilmington, N.C.
July 7" 67

Rutherford A. Capt.
Sub asst com. 

Reports assault committed on Wm Birnie, Agent of Bureau by C. Goodwin, Edwin McQueen & Archie McNair and recommends their trial by Mil. Com.

Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comm. N.C. 
Raleigh, July 10th 1867
EM 272

Respectfully forwarded to Hd. Qrs. 2nd Military District. In view of the existing rebellious spirit in the Southern part of the State, and the better protection of the officers of this Bureau - it is recommended that the within named parties be tried by a Military Commission, and that they be placed under bonds sufficient to justify their appearance. Directions have been given that proper charges be made against the parties. 
Nelson A. Miles
Col 40th US Infty
Bvt. Maj. Genl. Asst Comr. 
[[stamp]] Rec'd. Hd. Qu'rs. Dep't. of the South.
JUL 13 1867 [[/stamp]]

in question and to forward proceedings to turn to you for approval.

E.B. 945. 2 Mil Dist/67

Head Quarters 2nd Mil. Dis't. 
Charleston S.C. July 13, 1867

Respectfully returned to Bvt. Major Genl. N. A. Miles Col. 40th Inf. Asst. Com. of the Freedmens Bureau for N. Carolina
Col. Frank has been directed to promptly try the prisoners before a Military Tribunal organized in orders from these Head Quarters. [[srike-through]] the prisoners [[/strike-through]] 
By Command of 
Major General D.E. Sickles
J. W. Cline
Capt. 38th Infantry
A.A.A. General 

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Genl N. A. Miles Asst Com. Freedmens Bureau.
Col Frank has been directed to promptly try before a Mil Tribunal organized on orders from [[tiger]] Head Qrs. The prisoners