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   Sheriff's Office Columbus Co Whiteville N C
   Sept 18th 1867
Capt. Allan Rutherford
Sub-Asst Comr
  I have the honor to report that I have investigated the case between Dugald Reaves white & Caroline (freedwoman) as directed in your letter. Reaves Dugald States that he will not allow Caroline to remain on his place neither will he do anything for her Support. he further sais he is anxious to get rid of the children. Caroline sais that Reaves drove her off his place which Reaves denies. she sais she will not go back to Reaves's under any consideration. from all the facts that I can gather in the Case I think the ends of Justice will be fully met by Canceling the Indentures and returning the children to Caroline
  Respectfully Submitted
  V. V. Richardson Sheriff of Columbus County N. C