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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Headquarters Southern District of North Carolina
Office of Superintendent

Wilmington N.C. August 2d 1867
Wm H White 
Sheriff Bladen County N.C.
Sir Complaint has been entered at this office that one R Lyons a Constable of you County has seized on an Execution in favor of one John Richardson a certain Horse, belonging to the mother of Lonrenzo Shaw (colored) and is about to sell the same to satisfy an execution against said Lorenzo Shaw. As this Horse does not belong to Saw but to his mother it cannot be sold for his liabilities, but even if it did belong to Shaw it is exempt from sale under execution by paragraph 2 [[?]] 7 of General Order No 10 from Hd. Qrs. 2d Military District to which order I would now call your attention. If this Horse is sold I shall hold both you and Lyons responsible and shall report to General Sickels your violation of his orders. I request that the Horse be immediately returned to Shaws mother. 
Awaiting your reply
I am sir
verry respectfully
your obt servant
Allen Rutherford
Capt 44th NC Infy
Sub Ast Comr

LB Vol 3
Page 9. a true copy
W.H. White supt