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NARA 682
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters 4th Sub-District of North Carolina,
Office of Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Wilmington, N. C., Nov.25th, 1867
Bvt Brig Genl Geo W Ballock, Claim [[Justice?]]
  Bu R. F. and A. L Washington D. C.
I have the honor to request information in regard to claim for Bounty and back pay due Cato Mc Seaine, Sergt Co "K" 35th U. S. C. T. His claim was forwarded in July 1866 through R B Moon Atty of this City, and nothing has since been heard regarding it
  I Am Colonel
  Very Respectfully
  Your Obed. Servant
  Allan Rutherford
  Cap't 44th U. S. Infantry
  Sub-Asst Comr
This Claim has not been heard yet. S
  G W Bullockchf[[?]]