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Rooms Mil. Commr
Wilmington N C. Decr. 21/67.

R. 424 - 
Rutherford Allan
Capt 44th Infty
Judge Advocate

Requests that the Post Qr Master be directed to fill his requisition for stationery for use by the Mil Commission, that the requisition was sent him on the 16th ultimo & only partially filled he stating that he has not sufficient on hand. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Also, that. the stationery issued has been expended

Hd Qrs Post of Wilmington N C 
December 22nd 1867
E.B. 105.

Agreeably to my instructions the Quarter Master will issue the necessary stationery for the use of the Mil Commission in session as this Post from time to time as it may be required on your requisition (informal) approved by me, the amt. issued to be covered by a requisition made out in 
Ra M. P. U. Decr. 21st/67.

due form at the of each month; the requisition already [[strikethrough]] already [[/strikethrough]]  made will be returned The Qu Master informs me that he has already issued 15.0 envelopes 16 1/2 qus of paper 100 steel pens, 6 pencils &c &c. This appears a large issue for the small amount of business transacted by the Commission, if however that already issued has been exhausted in the business of the Commission more can be had on requisition as above indicated.
R. T. Frank
Bt Lieut Col & Capt 8 Infy
Comdg Post

Dec 22