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NARA 717

Wilmington N.C. July 19 1867

Bvt. Brg Genl. & Supt
Allen Rutherford

Yours of the 12 inst is at hand I no, no such woman as Mrs Sarah Stothes. If she is truly a person of need I will believe her of her need. 
Yours of the 14 inst is also at hand in Reply I only can say I will do all I can to help the Real needy but Sir as I told you in my conversations with you some time past we are sadly imposed upon: will you please let me no how many rations you have given out in the month of February, who too whither White or Collour'd, whither Refugees or Citizens: this I ask for the reason that the Board of Wardeans of the Poor. Meet the 2nd Monday in March at which time they can make the proper arrangement to take care of the poor. your compliance will much oblidge

your obedent Servant
John A. Sanders
Char. Board Wardan
New Hanover County

Transcription Notes:
3 words can not read