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NARA 742

Wilmington N.C.
Sept 20th 1867
Col R.T. Frank.
8 Inf USA
Comdg Post. 

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the Untied States [[/stamp]]

In compliance with Special Orders No 61. dated Hd. Qrs. Post of Wilmington Wilmington NC Sept 17th 1867. 
I have the honor to report that in obedience thereto, I proceeded to Harrison Creek Landing Bladen Co N.C. with a guard of Seven men & from thence with the Constable to Milton's Plantation & there arrested a Freedman by the name of Wright and turned him over to the Civil Authorities and for which a warrent had been issued and at the time in the possession of the Constable, who a few days previous had attempted to make said arrest, but was resisted and fired upon by a collection of Freedmen on said Plantation. I also at the same time & place arrested and brought to this Post one April Lesesne, who seemed to be the leader of said riotous Freedmen and who was recognized by John A Burnie and J.L. Bryant as the one who fired a