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Office. Bu. R. and A Lands
Cumberland Co.

Fayetteville March 1st 1867

Lieut: Allan Rutherford, U.S.A.
Supt: so Dist. Bu. R. F and A Lands


In reply to your communication Dated 25" inst I have the honor to state that there is at present in this District the following number of Destitute persons who are Deserving of relief - Cumberland Co. 500 - Bladen 480 - -
Since taking charge of this Office I have obeyed your instructions to the letter - viz - Cut down the rations as much as possible. I have issued none whatever to Bladen. These towns are head over heels in Debt therefor unable to even assist in the support of their poor. I have the honor to be sir

Very Respectfully
Your Most Obedient Servant.
Manchester W. Weld.
Agent Bu. R. F and A Lands.
Cumberland, Co

Recd & Ansd Mch 3/67