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Horse Shoe 
Capt Rutherford   July 15/68

My Dear Sir:
I have the honor to have received your letter of the 7th inst. informing you that a Complaint of Indebtedness has been lodged against me by one Wm  Crennety "Col'd" & your request that I shall when convenient call and settle the matter. &c. The first allegation of the Plaintian is false as well I might say His whole statement. Relation to Crennety's making three full months is incorrect, He having made but Sixty One & a quarter days as my Time Book will show. The fact of this case is that Crennety in His Complaint to you has given in full time for everything & not taking out any loss time & besides I never hired him by any specified time. And to make this short I never had a more trifling hand a perfect laze servant in my life. I once caught Him a sleep in a House in the day time & working hours, besides idling in other respects, and His agreement with me was to cut 12 Sys. per day, when he did not manage 8 Sys. & for the late days with me He cut but 4 Sys. & perfectly regardless of my instructions to cut the trees blazed.