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danger but with some inconvenience - no permanent damage -
Hannah told me it was an accident entirely. Mr. Plummer seemed to regret the circumstances and is responsible to me for my attention.

I Jackson M.D.

Sworn to & subscribed 
before me this the
16. day March 1868
WM Baldwin JP

Ayle Owen. Sworn. Deposeth that, she went to see Hannah after it was known that Hannah shot and that Hannah said the shooting was an accident. And she Ayle does think so from what Mr. Plummer and Hannah both said. When Mr. Plummer left home on official business he employ'd deponant to take care of Hannah, and did look after Hannah, The provision that Mr. Plummer left for Hannah gave out and she Aly cooked of her own and supplied Hannah. Have no idea that the shooting was intentional

Sworn to & subscribed before
me the 17. March 1868.

Aley her x mark Owen

WM Baldwin JP