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NARA 125

State of North Carolina} L.S.
County of New Hanover  }

Jackson Fair (Col'd) being duly sworn doth depose and say that he lives in the County of Onslow, at Stirrup Sound, that the colored people in said County of Onslow have been [[strikethrough]] and have [[/strikethrough]] threatened and intimidated by the Rebel Whites to such an extent that a very large number of the, will be afraid to vote at the Election. That many of the Colored People have been afraid to Register in consequence of threats made if they did so. That this deponant was warned to leave the County in fifteen minutes, by, Hill King and Jony Spicer (Whites) because he is a republican and had advised his friends that this deponant had left his home on consequence of such warning being in fear of his life
The witnesses are Henry Fare (Col'd) Jane Fare (Col'd) Ebick Hotterson (Col'd) 
Jackson his X mark Fare

Sworn to before me this 20th day of April 1868
John J Conoley J.P.

Jackson Fare is now in Wilmington N.C