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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Assistant Commissioner State of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C., 25th November, 1868.

L 286 Vol. 2. 1868. 

Bt. Maj. A. Rutherford.
Asst. Sub Asst. Comr.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of 20th inst enclosing vouchers for services performed by Dr. J. E. Winants, and request that you would report upon the following points:- Authority was given under date of Sept. 10th ultimo, to employ a Surgeon, provided, that Dr. Myers was too sick to perform the operation; on the 21st of same month Dr. Myers reported himself able to do duty, and which was referred to you Sep't. 22nd, but no answer was received; Still more recently Dr. Myers reports having taken charge of the case: When was the operation performed