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309 L 124, 4,

Bu R.F. and A.L
Wilmington N.C.
Decr 15th 1868

Commanding Officer
Post of Goldsboro N.C

I would most respectfully request that the Commissary at Goldsboro be directed to fill my Requisition for Rations for Brewer Orphan Asylum immediately. The Rations were due on the 1st Ins't and altho' I have written several times to Capt Simpson I am unable to attain any reply. The children are without food and I am obliged to borrow until these Rations come to hand.

I Am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
Allan Rutherford
Capt & Bvt Maj 44th Infy
A. S. Asst Comr