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NARA 482

Bladenboro, N.C. & R.R. &c
Bladen Co. N,C. July 8th 1868

Col Allen Rutherford

In conversations with Dr. Thomas the other day some remarks was made in regard to the charity practice among the Freedmen. I told him [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] I had done about as much of it as I was well able to do. That I had done several hundred dollars within the last year for which I had never rece'd a cent neither did I expect to. I told him it looked hard for any to come to me wanting medical or surgical attention to refuse them yet necessity would compel me to do it. He told me that he would speak to you in regard to the matter. You will see that I only have a few of the more essential medicines in the bill. Now sir if you can obtain this Bill & forward it to me at Bladenboro I will deal it out gratuitiously to the Freedmen who need it. The sickly season is now upon us & without some

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