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NARA 486
Bladan Station Aug. 12th 1868

Mr Rutherford

Dear Sir,
My mothers children was sent from Wilmington by Mr. Ashley He told me that he would not send them away that he was going to send them to school on the sound but instead of doing so he sent all to different places north.

I wish you would make the necessary arrangements for me so as I can get them I would not be in any ways trubble about them but I heard they are not going to school and as I am going to school I would like to have them go. I think no one has a right to my mother's children but myself I being the oldest. If you think I can get them back please let me know and I will let you know where they were sent.

I remain as ever Your obedient Servant.
Mary Mc.Clain

Transcription Notes:
transcribe ALL content on a page - even information included in the 20th century by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA - where the original records are stored).