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NARA 537

that he will teach and instruct the said apprentices, or cause them to be taught and instructed to read and write, and that he will constantly find and provide for said apprentices during the term aforesaid sufficient diet, washing, lodging and apparel fitting for an apprentice, and also all other things necessary both in sickness and in health.
In witness whereof the parties to these proceeds have set their hands and seals the day and year above written.
W. P. Stuart
A. B. Todd Lieut, & Ag't. B. R. F. &c

At the time this Indenture was made these children did not wish to leave me and I could not keep them without having them bound. Therefore to gratify them I had them bound without the consent, but not without the knowledge of their mother. Their mother is a very good woman but is married to a man who was unkind to these the children of a former husband. At that time the mother and stepfather had no visible means of Supporting their now numerous family. You can inform yourself of all the facts in the case if you access to the journal of Capt Bassler who succeeded Lieut. Todd. The children are now willing and anxious to go to their mother. Sarah has been with their mother in Hamett County for the last 3 months. I told their mother I would have them released if I could before Christmas and she could take