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NARA 542

Office Bu RF & AL
Magnolia NC
EB No 31. June 1st 1868
Respectfully returned, to Colonel Jacob F. Chur AAA General, Head Qrs Asst Comm. N.C with the information that Mr Washington Bowen appeared at this Office on the 3rd of May with the little girl within mentioned. She states her name is Caroline Bowen "is 13 years old " Knows her grandmother is living at Long Creek near Hannover Co. 33 miles from Mr Bowen," states her father is dead that "Granny told her so" states her fathers name was Sam Murphy. She is clad ordinarily, but states "she has shoes & better dress at home" "she eats in the clear and sleeps on a quilt in the house," she refuses to go to her Grandsmother and desires to remain with Mr Bowen. "States that Mr or Mrs Bowen" whip her seldom and then with a switch She knows a portion of the Alphabet, "States 'Mary' Bowens little girl taught her." I elicited the above from Caroline re private examination, Mr Bowers States "he raised the Child from infancy bought her of James Murphy, that he offered the child to its father since they were freed, but the father desired him to keep her. the mother was sold away by Mr Murphy and the father is now dead. She is not apprenticed" I believe the condition of Caroline is better with Mr Bowers than with her Grandmother. The Grandmother can get the Child on application at this Office, before visiting Mr Bowen, or I will send the Child by, Rail Road to Long Creek on the receipts of an order to that effect from my superior Officer
J. F. Curren
Agent Bur RF and AL

EB. No. 48. N. C.
Bureau Refugees RF & A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. N.C. 
Raleigh, N.C. June 3 1868.
Respectfully returned to Capt. Allan Rutherford
USA Com. Attention invited to preceding endorsement. 
By order of
Col & Bvt. Maj. Genl Miles
Asst. Com'sr
Chas A Peddes
1st Lt. & AAAG.