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NARA 576

Sherrifs Office Columbus Co
June 27th-1868

Genl Allan Rutherford
US.A. Asst Comr

There is in this County a little negro boy about 10 years old in a suffering condition. he was left by his father some months since in the Hands of Frank Byrnes, freedman, he states that he been badly treated by the said Frank & his wife. and Judging from the boys looks I think his statement must be true. I was sent for on yesterday to see the boy and upon seeing him I found him naked and nearly starved, I also found that he had been beaten by some one. he informed me that he had left Byrnes about a week he said he had been sleeping behind Mr. T.J. Memorys Garden in the weeds, that he was afraid to go to the House for fear Mr Memory would run him off, that he liked Mrs M and wanted to stay with her she had been kind to him where he lived near [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] her I think something should