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S. 216. D.S. 1868

Goldsboro' N.C.
November 26 1868

Simpson, J.F.
Bvt Capt A.A.Q.M


States that Bvt Maj Allen Rutherford Sup. B.R.F & A.L. Wilmington N.C. has charged $10 00 per cord for wood on his commutation vouchers - that $8 00 is the highest price paid in the State, requests direction in the matter &c

[[stamp]] Bvt. Brig. Genl. R. Saxton Quartermaster DEC 1 1868 [[/stamp]]

Rec W Dec 10th

E.B. S 216. D.S. 1868
Headquarters, Department of the South,
Chief Quartermaster's Office,
Atlanta, Ga., December 1 st 1868

Respectfully returned to Bvt Capt J F Simpson A.A.Q.M. Only eight dollars per cord should I think be allowed. If you think that to be a fair allowance, you cannot sign the required certificate as quartermaster for more than that.

R Saxton
Bv't. Brig. Gen. & Q.M. U.S.A.,
Chief Quartermaster Dep't. of the South.


Office A Asst Quartermaster
Goldsboro NC. Dec 4th 1868

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Maj Allen Rutherford 29 Infantry with Vouchers for the months of October and November 1868, and attention called to the previous endorsement of Bvt Brg Gen R Saxton Chf Qr Mr. Dept of South.

If Maj Rutherford will send vouchers commuting wood for the sum of $8 00 per cord, they will be certified and paid by Post Qr. Mr. at this place

James F Simpson
2d Lieut 40th Inf
Bvt Capt AAQM