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NARA 639

Office Acting Assistant Quartermaster,
Post of Goldsboro', N.C., November 26th 1868

Chief Quartermaster
Dept of the South
Atlanta Ga

I have the honor to state that Bvt Maj Allen Rutherford Capt 44th Infty, Supt Bu RF & AL at Wilmington N.C. has sent to me his vouchers for Commutation of Quarters & full in October for my certificate, and also sends certificate of Ten Citizens that Wood cannot be purchased at Wilmington in quantities of less than $10.00 per cord - the price charged on said vouchers.
So far as I can learn, $8.00 per cord is all that has been allowed in commutation at any place in the State - in view of which fact I respectfully ask your counsel and direction in the matter, as regards the payment of Vouchers in question.
Your Obt Servt
James F Simpson
2nd Lieut 40 Inf Bvt Capt. AAQM