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NARA 689

Headquarters Second Military District,
Charleston, S. C., February 6, 1868.
General Orders,
No. 18.
I. In trials for offenses at common law or under State statutes, and in trials of civil actions, Provost Courts, Military Commissions and Military Tribunals, organized by virtue of authority under the Reconstruction Acts of Congress, will be governed by the rules of evidence prescribed by the laws of the State in which the case is tried.
II. No Provost Court will entertain jurisdiction of any case, nor will any Post Commander refer any case for trial by any such Court, unless it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Post Commander and shall be certified by him, either-
First. That the case involves matters of difference between employer and employed respecting rights under provisions of military orders; or.
Second. That the proper State authorities have refused or unreasonably failed or are unable to take action needful for the protection of persons or property; or,
Third. That there is good ground for believing, upon facts shown, which must be preserved of record, that impartial justice cannot be secured in the State courts, by reason of prejudice on account of race, color or former condition.

By Command of Bvt. Major-General Ed. R. S. Canby:
Louis V. Caziarc,
Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl.
