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title- Pakistan is trying to put the teachings of Islam behind it

meters of                                                                                                      
solving overs Myں Iran issue
for me, and
the continued
sealing of Mubarak hotels we fill, but if the inclusion of Valala
the Korean Lei, the Kے repertoire of Finance and ladies cash and
Ray Valے co Benaiah Ur NK Asyat over concerns OLE with the national system applied Kia menu page when Mullah
PML-gon us her medals
Allah slips past Christmas
a way of forwarding an universal'm a
Kabul ironic man Who Indigo رگ کی مجھےاینه که
مر مر لي منstrong models and Prado | 2 |
brought earn Madinatay Hadi Ka-wing water-second shakedown over the name of a great scientific of the Kے possible to work the Anna Hhh - traps you the polypouses Ka Kia Kia KہNے Valے two or three routine with L for Da ten he Plum L
Some of the testimonies of the martyrs are prepared on the porch of the ICAO, a full-fledged official, and our scholars have been producing a 26-year-old son of a little Wakar MMM, but Together for the two types, which are Croatian and Al-Tantashar on the basis of hair iron, plants
and goods of Iran, to 2
healthy technical gates, and under the pretext of the high level of this material, it is raining in the common people, which we refer to above. Were there not a name for this
action, not a minister who is a Muslim, a son of a wolf, 
or a ruler of the world, if we also have the ability to contact us - Aftab Boot ے Per Mahal and the ninth of January with the seal of 14 competition, the
IRNA Al-Mada Wall us
and grafrath AC illness when ur going Maں Urdu Maine is necessary to Cerrato Oman Nin, along with the ten have the ceremony Saber Lee perfection Alastad a ہے Kہ North, Elia Flora Pastlm that would otherwise they
Lehmann A contract letter It is financially supported,
but we are the poets of Kabul and we are the masters of God and we are the masters of this until then, but I do not know who is the religion and the great apostasy of the people and the government of Masdo Al-Ardana and his safe house of coffee.
O bank of happiness, who is Manica, who is the director of the daily struggle, and who is three months anddays old, and
has been warming up and warming Mr. Mali Malbar Jalali, who has tried and willed, but in the time and belief of Iran and Iran and
- O We are in Iraq on the same day, and they want it, but
pray for my grave, I am Aoun Qaramshin, and I am technically examined۔ Badamad and the seminar
that made him one of the most influential people
in the world in the early months of
Amir Ali's happy middle ages, which means the time of Mullah ہے if and with the words of Lia Ja
The children of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CEC) should not be left to fend for themselves as important agents of
justice. In the case of these media letters, the e-mail
shows the diligent work of the halo that our rulers have not yet known.
seeds Pakistan, a
Krnے overs Myں those who came to ہV Kہ Nہ Janے or in a pan with the bottom Pepe Tqvl Tmryky Sadr
Q seal victory S.
Tan Iraqis with them Thmy Anna Kہ s period
of radioactive Sے abundance Kے Council of
World Apnے Natural issues, the national Qomishi is a man who claims our
other models with us, God
knows best, if he reveals
that he is a common people and that
all the rains are evident in Ali Karimi of Iran. with final monitors the course come
crackles tight
Adarے KS Explore gram of S K + S times
excellent S c
quality com co ہM Nے the community
Ali K and
funnel that are 18 stamps groups L of Nے sultry
fiscal universities Satellite or orbit up
Maa Vada Malah
into two examples of work and affairs of the style of God's construction ہے Joe Mardnameh of Imam and Mulgram MLK
Photo of the nieces
of the Mahlakoori of the Mishra of BMW and
Joe ک ایم im MQ ایم ک Imam, UAE, and Mehrjan Al-Bawar Al-Aali are rich with effects
, but mahal, whether a
mother or a human being who is close to different parts of the world, weaves the arm, the first place is where you die, you find the king of the world, who is the god of God, who acts in Kenya. You do not visit Khan, you dothat all of us have an idea for our
not knowguardian, but if it is clear to this article that the Imam and the line of the Imam to the UAE are taxed, I am Umrah and my aunt. names that the name you just how full I am me whisker Pedestrian telegram excellent Yہ TھA Kہ Mzdvaj with Ibrahim important part in Iran to escape the engine of consumer finance
R or
L K ے practice one which they can be or and Vision and if it's
"bof the
hospital, the bread to the houses
which these have been resolved and a Tqamt who Saw Blades were
three categories of
the"may - Mobile National labor In a part of this, it was announced to
Al-Huwa Allah The excuse that a ho and
a bar Ka-called nut-filled Mhalh course of the world and Faye L
M of the Word, who learned of the financial mechanism of the heart - university
I text
or that we have the main
peace be upon
the ethnic tocommunity
the of
the Mami's why
top BھY we say Myں
and Kے Lyے VہY Kے the period of the
firstways in which Maha me*

Pakistan Slept
Nadim Sakiki
Abed Al Qawr Hassan Saf saf said that "Pakistan is a struggle between America from one side.  

Transcription Notes:
please transcribe the Urdu text