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MRS. C. B. GRIFFEN (Left) and Miss Fay Griffen were among prominent guests attending yesterday's air races.-Daily News photo.

Spectator Dress For Comfort As Winds Blow At Air Maneuvers
 There is apparently, no standard fashion for attending the air races. Yesterday, opening day of the All-American Air Maneuvers, style displays ran the gamut from ermine jackets and lame frocks to cotton slacks and beach-shoes.
 There were at least three coats  of ermine, four of milk, and countless fox capes and scarves. But the majority of women spectators wore skirts or slacks - practical in the high wind-a top-coat and a turban or bandanna about the head. Smartest, and most comfortable looking outfit was that worn by a girl in harlequin sun-glasses, a turban with all the hair tucked in, tweed jacket over a long-sleeved sweater, woolen skirt and spectator pumps. A tip for the ladies who plan to attend the air spectacle today!
 Toby Wing (Mrs. Dick Merrill) was striking, her blonde curls topped by a striped red, white and blue peaked cap, and a mink coat, over a blue frock.
 In the next box were the Jolly sisters identically dissed in