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Buys Chinese Print Gowns for Mme. Chiang.

Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt chose two Chinese print dresses for herself today and one for Madame Chiang Kai-shek, at the Arnold Constable store here. Chinese legendary print dresses will go on public sale throughout the nation next Monday, and a percentage from all sales from the fabric used in the creation of the gowns will go to the Consul-General's Committee of the Chinese Women's Relief Association, 5 East 57th street.
Mrs. Roosevelt picked a rayon shantung dress of Imperial Navy shade in the China Forever pattern for Mme. Chiang Kai-shek. The dress is a two-piece effect with a slight Chinese influence revealed in the white frogs down the front, resembling a mandarin jacket. It has a flare skirt, short sleeves, V neckline and zipper front.
The China Forever pattern is made up of Chinese characters carrying the legend: "China Forever! May China's Republic Live 10,000 years."
Dr. Tsune Chi Yu, Chines Consul General here, who was present at the selection of the dresses today, said that Mme. Chiang Kai-shek's dress would be sent in the diplomatic mail pouch to her in China by the Chinese Consul-General's office.
Lee Ya Ching, Chinese debutant and flyer, modeled Mme. Chiang Kai-shek's dress.
For herself, Mrs. Roosevelt picked two dresses with patterns called "China 'Mums' and Butterflies" and "Ceremonial Fans," the former featuring chrysanthemums and butterflies, the latter with banners and fans that were the sign of high estate in China. Both dresses were powder blue, with short sleeves, V neckline, belt and flair skirt and small tucks at the shoulder line.
Also at the preview of the Chinese gowns were Dr. Louis D. Clement, executive secretary, and H. H. Silliman of the Consul General's Committee, and Isaac Liberman, president of Arnold Constable.

Mrs. Roosevelt is giving a note to Dr. Tsune Chi Yu, Chinese Consul General, to accompany a dress which she is sending to Mme. Chiang Kai-shek, and, of which Miss Lee Ya Ching wears the counterpart. It and the one on the President's wife are from material sent here from China to be made up and sold by Arnold, Constable & Co. to aid Chinese relief. 

Park Program on Mother's Day
The women's Auxiliary of the Seventy-seventh Division Association will hold a Mother's Day program at 2 P. M. Sunday on the mall in Central Park. Mrs. Willian Bonner will welcome the audience. Another speaker will be Magistrate Anna M. Kross.