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FRIDAY, JUNE, 20 1941
IN THE NE[[?]]
(By International News Service)

First woman to pilot an American-built bombing plane to Britain, acqueline Cochran, famous American aviatrix and winner of many flying trophies, arrived safely in Britain yesterday, according to word received in New York today.

Miss Cochran made the flight from "somewhere in Canada" to "somewhere in England" as a "first officer" of the ship and copilot in the ferry service which has been flying American bombers to Britain for service with the RAF.

The famous aviatrix undertook the trip to study Britain's program of using women pilots for ferrying planes and other branches of the British air force with reference to a similar program in the United States as part of America's national defense program.

Miss Cochran, who ranks as America's ace woman flier, spent some time in Canada preparing for the trip and familiarizing herself with the intricate controls of the new bomber. 

She was duly accredited under the ferry pilot regulations and passed all examinations qualifying for the flight.

Miss Cochran, who is Mrs. Floyd Odlum in private life--wife of the famous New York financier--has long been an advocate of women pilots for specialized roles in the national defense program.

Such activities, Miss Cochran has said, could free a vast number of men pilots for combat duty.

(Pictures and other details on Page 3.)

Miss Cochran Pilots Bomber Safe to Britain
First of Her Sex to Ferry Bomber

Transcription Notes:
Article not related to Lee Ya-Ching