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[[left margin]] PAGE EIGHT SEPTEMBER 12, 1941 THE HAMILTON REVIEW [[/left margin]]


China's First Lady of the air...
lovely and beautiful Lee Ya our town  two days this week.

A privilege to meet Lee Ya Ching...her visit one of interest to hundreds of Hamiltonians who heard her speak...or who chatted with her personally...a surprising experience (even as it was to Lee Ya Ching herself) for those invited to the luncheon in her honor on Tuesday, at which Miss Lee was not privileged to arrive. It was, instead, at dinner hour, that Lee Ya Ching did arrive in a swanky little Cub Aircraft plane at Hamilton airport from Malton, after spending the entire afternoon in conference with immigration officials, U.S. consul and others. After the Hamilton board of control members, representatives of leading Hamilton organizations and the humble writer of this column had waited until 'way past four o'clock in the hope that the visitor would really arrive for luncheon. 

Lee Ya Ching has made a flying visit...and we mean that Hamilton and Toronto for three days this week, in order that the Chinese War Relief campaign shortly to be launched in Canada, may be known to Canada and Canadians. The appalling need in her country...after five long years of war. It is her manner of "doing her bit"... in fact, that is the reason Ya Ching chose to be awarded a pilot's license...for it was with the vision of doing something for China and the thought that aviation was the coming thing of the future. Never, however, did she entertain the thought that it would be a war effort that would call on her for so much.

Forced "bale-out" and watery landing in San-Francisco Bay was the manner in which Lee Ya Ching gainer her membership in the caterpillar club. And...a few condensed facts...Miss Lee educated in England, at small private school for girls near London, at Highgate and by private tutor, when her father sent her from Hong Kong to stay with an uncle in London. Visited in Paris, en route to London. Then to United States...where she took out pilot's license. Spoke at convention sessions here in Hamilton to Labor delegates, at Hamilton Executives' luncheon, over the radio, at Palace theatre...met scores of Hamiltonians informally...visited patients at Hamilton's San. Considers that Pearl Buck in finest present-day writer on her native country...that "Good Earth" did more for China than any other book now in publication. Warns writers that China is a terrific "assignment"...characteristics vary so greatly in different eras of China's 6,000 years of history. Just took part in Cleveland Air Races be-fore flying from New York on Tuesday morning...just after breakfast and with full intention of having luncheon at Royal Connaught in Hamilton.

To-day Lee Ya Ching is flying a smart Cub that was manufactured at Cub Aircraft in Hamilton...over our city and Toronto  and to-morrow flies it up to Highland Inn at Algonquin Park. And... that CUB plane is going to be the property of some lucky Canadian...for...after tickets are sold, it will be drawn for...and...who knows? All the returns are for the Chinese Relief Fund, will be administered by the Canadian Red Cross and transfer made to China.

Found out so many, many things, as Torontonians...members of Canada's Friends of China organization chatted, during the hours of waiting for Lee Ya Ching's arrival in Hamilton. Takes only one-eighth of a cent per day to feed a Chinese in his native dollar per month to feed and clothe him. Roads...for distance of 125 miles...are bordered with great piles of dead soldiers and others, victims of war. Victims of lock of transportation, we found out later, when Miss Lee  pointed out that because there is such "lack of planes, lack of transports, to fly medical supplies and food to centres where they are needed."

R. L. Gibson, president of Canadian Cub Aircraft, was one of first Canadians to greet Lee Ya Ching on her arrival...arranged for a substitute plane to be at her disposal, before the shiny new one that is to be in the spotlight during the campaign, was finished and ready to taxi out on the ways of Hamilton airport this morning.

Stunning costumes worn by Miss Lee in Hamilton...long gown, in Chinese mood with deeply slit skirt, a purple print, skirt lined with deep purple. A decided old-new world influence in that one costume we glimpsed...for the coat had widely puffed sleeves, in bracelet length and was in the plain color, slippers of suede with high heels and chic cut-out effect at back and, to add final dash of smartness, a silver fox cape. Incidentally...Lee Ya Ching told us that the past few years or so have seen women of China take amazing steps ahead...sees them entering professions and industry , fighting in the front lines of the army and proving they are top-flight soldiers.

There was a good attendance of members and friends at the weekly meeting of Hamilton Branch British-Israel World Federation when the delegates to the convention gave their reports. the delegates were Mrs. O. Denyer, Dr. W. S. Giddens, Mrs. S. Cooper, Mrs. E. Richmond and Mr. J. Wheeler.
A special honor has come to Hamilton Branch this year in the election of Dr. Giddens to the board of directors. Dr. Giddens is well qualified to fill this very important position federation and we know that he will give his best to further the cause for which we stand. We take this opportunity of pledging to him our whole-hearted support.
That the work of the federation is being steadily extended is quite evident from the reports given, and that it will continue to grow is also very apparent. There were delegates to the convention from Vancouver to St. John's, Nfld. If these return to their same respective branches with the same renewed vision that has inspired our own delegates the Gospel of the Kingdom will be carried to all part of Canada.

If you have tried everything else and have failed to obtain relief, don't worry, MARTEL'S FEMALE PILL'S @2.00 and MARTEL'S SPECIAL PILL'S $3.50 packed in sealed tin box, ONE MONTHS TREATMENT MOST CASES, have been recommended and sold to suffering women for 50 YEARS for Delayed and Painful Menstruation, Nervousness, Dizziness and other symptoms. They contain NO dangerous drugs. There is nothing like Martel's. Sold by reliable Druggists and better Department Stores, or we will mail direct in plain package. Knickerbocker Remedy Co., 71 E. Front St., Toronto, Canada.

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