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The Flint Journal
Flint, Mich, Thursday, October 2, 1941

WELCOME--Miss Pearl Linn is presenting bouquet to Miss Lee Ya Ching, Chinese aviatrix, on her arrival at Bishop airport this morning for two-day stay to aid campaign for funds of Chinese relief. Looking on (at left) are George M. Algoe, chairman, and C. S. Mott (rear), honorary chairman, and (at right) Mayor Osmund Kelly and Fred Soon. (Journal Photo.)

Chinese Aviatrix Arrives Here To Appeal for Nation's Relief
By Lawrence Feid
Showing strain from constant travel to raise funds for relief of her distressed countrymen, Miss Lee Ya Ching, Chinese aviatrix, alighted from a plane at 10 a. m. today at Bishop airport to be officially welcomed by the city, a group of Chinese, and members of Flint committee for Chinese relief. Clad in Chinese costume, Miss Ching beamed when presented a bouquet at the airport by Miss Pearl Linn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linn, 208 West Jackson avenue, and expressed her approciation to the delegation.
In a brief speech Mayor Osmund Kelly welcomed the aviatrix, who will be here two days, and then George M. Algoe, chairman of the Flint committee, presented members of the delegation including C. S. Mott, honorary chairman, and Mrs. Mott, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bishop, Miss Betty Bishop and Mrs. A. G. Vosburgh, chairman of the women's division of the comittee.
Miss Ching was driven to the home of Mrs. David M. Martin, where she will be a house guest, and later appeared at Chinese relief headquarters, 712 South Saginaw street.
She was scheduled to appear at the meetings of the Kiwanis and Lions club this noon at Hotel Durant, at a meeting of the Century club this afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. D. Dort, and to make a radio address at 10:15 o'clock tonight over Station WFDF.
Friday she is scheduled to appear at the Rotary club at noon at the Hotel Durant and at a meeting of Flint Federation of Women's Clubs at 2 p. m. at the clubhouse.
__Among those at the airport this morning were Lewis Kearns, vice chairman of the committee, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest W. Boswell, Frank G. Farry, Mrs. Gainey Shaw, Mrs. A. E. Catterfeld, Mrs. John J. Hurd, Miss Jane Hurd, Mrs. Otto P. Graff, Mrs. James S. Parker, Mrs. J. Howard Brinckerhoff, United China Relief field representative; Frank Linn, Mrs. S. C Hing, Miss Ruth Hing, Fred Soon, Joseph Lum, Charles F. Lamb and Yee Get.
The commitee to welcome Miss Ching at campaign heaterquarters included Mrs. Harold F. Carr, Mrs. Otis G. Jackson, Mrs. Ralph Kearns, Mrs. O. C. Hendrickson, Mrs. Opal Schmitt, Mrs. LeRoy M. Pailthorpe, Mrs. Ruth Winegarden and Mrs. Harry M. Comins.
Miss Ching will leave for New York on Saturday.

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